Holy Loch Muster: August 2023
A big thank you from all Club Members to our Commodore Anthony Cameron for compering the night, our Social Convenor’s Alistair and Caroline Devlin for organising the event and Denize Hunter for helping in the background and always being there when help is needed.
Below is a slide show of attendees images at the 2023 Muster at Holy Loch. The Muster took place at the Holy Loch Marina and then on to the gathering at the Holy Loch Sailing School in the evening. There, we all enjoyed a nautical/general knowledge quiz and then a fantastic buffet supplied by the Club which was all washed down with fine grog and many a tall sea tale told told by the members.
The Muster Role consisted of the following boats who attended:
Luna Bay, Ijoftaa, Nuage, Colonsay, Hanako, Bamboo, Piperi, Seol Na Mara, About Time, Sionnach, Artemis of Malin, Union Jack, Miss Sable, Dayspring, Sapphire, Te Bheag, Seadream, Sophie Lou, Ocean Gem, C Spirit, Blueprint and Nikla Thyse.